In Seattle we hung out with Aunt Daphne and Uncle Seth. I was really worried about how the boys were going to sleep. They are in their own cribs at home and both move around a lot. For traveling we only have one small portable crib...I wanted to put Elliot in a drawer or a box but sadly none were available. It turns out that they have a very high threshold for being kicked and rolled on (I suppose they have had a lot of time learning that patience in the womb). Daphne and Seth claimed to not be bothered by their crying in the night. Thank goodness H&E are so good-natured during the day. They charmed the pants off Daphne's coworkers and various patrons at Uwajimaya.
I went to Seattle to get out of town (running from the mafia), but also because Teresa's son Steven was visiting with his son (!) and wife (!!). Konrad was delightful and had a good time playing with H&E's toys. H&E loved chewing on his alphabet blocks. While toy sharing was okay, there was to be no interaction between the children themselves. It was great to see everyone - Steven's wife is very nice and they are really great parents! As per usual, I was terrible at documenting the occasion - there are a few pictures but they didn't turn out well. Maybe Daphne and Seth have some good ones.
We also had an opportunity to visit Robin and hang out with Miss Morgan, who is ten months old. She and Henry chased the cat for a bit while Elliot played with her piano. It was crazy to have all three babies hanging out in the livingroom - total chaos! I put Henry to bed in Morgan's crib and Elliot took a hap in his carseat so Morgan had her livingroom to herself again. She just played quietly with her toys and was a nice girl. I hope that Elliot and Henry will be like that in four months!
So we made it home this morning in time to attend our Friday mom's group at the hospital. The babies get kicked out of the group at six months, so today was our last day. It was a great group to attend and I'm glad we had the opportunity to connect with other mamas and babies. Here are a few pictures of our graduation:
So the boys are paying me back for all the adventures with fractured sleep tonight. Morning is looking very far away...
1 comment:
Now I completely understand why graduation could not occur without two mortarboards. SO CUTE! I'll upload pictures as soon as I can. Glad you didn't report illness as I've been sleeping off a stomach something since I left work Friday (skipped therapy).
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