This afternoon my friend Alison helped me take the boys to a fancy-pants photo studio in town. The event was much different than I had imagined. For some reason I thought it would be a casual affair with pictures snapped while the toddlers toddled. In actuality it was much more formal sit-in-a-studio quick photo session.
I paid $10 for a digital print, but it was pretty cool in that they took about 20 photos and I'm sure one of them will have turned out well. Thank god Alison was with us because it took FOREVER and it could have turned ugly. Here are some snapshots I took while we waited for our turn. For reference, we were the fifth in line and we were out of there after almost an hour!
These pictures look better in a larger size. Click on them, if you'd like.
Henry's mad: "Why'd you get the light costume? This weighs a ton!"
Elliot checks Henry out and admits that he got lucky.
"You called, mama?"
Sometimes it's easy to ignore the fact that they're twins; they're very different in looks and personality. I'll take a series of pictures, however, and they're totally in sync. What great babies!
Truly; they *are* great babies. Of course mom and dad deserve all the credit.
heehee. brown bear sees a chicken and a lion looking at him!
checked in before bed last night and laughed all the way through brushing, flossing, etc. can't wait to see you all!
You'll like the title of my next post!
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