Saturday, May 24, 2008

Fast Food Nation, Part 1

On Monday we drove from the Inland Empire (The Furnace Of California) to Santa Monica. It was quite a bit cooler on the coast.

We had a good time walking around town, but couldn't find the right place to eat lunch. Both Henry and Elliot began to rebel while we were on the pier, where our food options were limited to carnival fare and Bubba Gumps Shrimp House. I'm not sure who actually eats at Bubba Gumps, but we've run into number of them lately. Blech.

So the babies shared a $4 hot dog.

I'm pretty sure it was organic.


Daphne said...

Henry is obviously thrilled to have hot dog, but Seth wants to know more about the taco truck...

lindsay said...

Ah, I will have to cover that in the unanticipated prequel: Eating Habit of a Southern Californian Baby.

dadair said...

Look at those teeth! That boy should be eating steak.